Kia Kaha, Kia Ora | Be Active, Be Well



Females on the Move was established in 2017 and has quickly grown over the years, giving many young females the opportunity to participate in different physical activities and in lots of different settings. The purpose of this group is to help establish a lifelong love of physical activity within the Hawkes Bay female community by creating focus groups to discover what is needed.

It is important to Sport Hawke’s Bay that student voice is heard and delivered on, we work closely with schools, communities, and our regional sports organisations.

We strive to have our communities engaged and working together to create events and opportunities over a period of time. Females get to be a part of a group that puts the female at the centre, life skills are learnt through empowerment, decision-making, group work, and confidence-boosting situations.

Check out what's been happening around the Bay!


The needs of young women are unique and different when it comes to sport and recreation.  Factors like time pressure and lack of confidence mean they gradually participate less and drop out of structured activity at a faster rate than young men. So how do we support them in leading healthy, active lives? It starts by understanding what matters to them.

Check out for more information

If you would like more information about Females on the Move please contact Kate Benny: