Kia Kaha, Kia Ora | Be Active, Be Well

Healthy Active


What is Healthy Active Learning?

Healthy Active Learning is a joint government initiative between Sport New Zealand and the Ministries of Education and Health to improve the well-being of tamariki through healthy eating and drinking and quality physical activity.

Sport Hawke’s Bay is excited to be part of this national initiative. Our Healthy Active Learning Advisors are here to support school leaders and teachers in planning and providing quality physical activity and health education experiences for tamariki.

The support and resources provided to your school through this initiative come at no cost and will build on the existing strengths of your team and within your school and kura. We are here to work alongside leaders and teachers and tailor support in partnership with your school.

Hawke's Bay Wellbeing Partnership Group 

The Wellbeing Partnership Group serves as a steering group for both the Healthy Active Learning work and the Ka Ora, Ka Ako free healthy school lunches initiative. However, the group has expanded its view to encompass all things related to the hauora of tamariki and rangitahi in Hawke’s Bay.

The purpose of the Wellbeing Partnership Group is to provide leadership and guidance for health and wellbeing initiatives within early learning services and Schools/Kura.

Read the full report below.

Case Studies 

Healthy Active Learning in Schools

 Healthy Active Learning Team 

Sally McKenzie, Lead Advisor:

Vanessa Oliver, Advisor:

Zoe Clinnick, Advisor:

Danielle Paki, Connector:

Renee Tate (Wairoa)

Sydney Rore, Connector: